A company dedicated to supporting 501c3 nonprofits across the United States with services such as grant writing, fundraising, board training and donor retention among many others, reached out to us looking for a way to grow awareness and interest around their bespoke nonprofit grant writing service.
After 25+ years in the nonprofit sector, the company still had a small digital presence, and had never advertised online before. The majority of clients had historically come through via referrals or networking.
A quick website review highlighted it did not reflect what the business offered anymore.
In addition, any enquiry generated wasn’t automatically forwarded to the sales team, resulting in consistent lost opportunities.
The owner approached us looking for a solution that would tie all the loose ends together and create a simple, streamlined journey starting from awareness through to enquiry management.
In simple terms, they asked:
“How do we advertise to people who are looking for a nonprofit grant writer, build a high converting landing page, make sure we immediately receive any email and phone call coming through, and know exactly where each one of them came from?”
The solution was broken down in 4 stages:
The website now features click to call phone numbers on mobile and enquiry forms above the fold, to make it as easy and quick as possible for visitors to request more information or book a free consultation via an online appointment booking platform.
The bespoke landing page also includes a detailed breakdown of what the grant writing service includes, what process is used to find and apply for the best grants, and includes reviews from current customers.
Comprehensive conversion tracking through Google Tag Manager is now installed on the website, which means that every meaningful action (such as form submissions, calls, calendar bookings and purchases) is recorded in Google Analytics and attributed to the right source of traffic to accurately measure return on investment.
From the go live date on June 13, 2021 to September 30, 2021, the campaign generated in excess of 380 form submissions and 18 clients for a 2,000% return on investment in the order of the tens of thousands of dollars.
The amount of new business also led to hiring 4 new grant writers.
Campaign headline numbers as follows:
Return on ad spend
Form submissions
New clients